Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Update: Valdi has now been homed and is very happy as the only dog with a lady who has horses and fields.

However, Julie has many other dogs who have retired form racing as well as dogs who have never raced at all. Contact her
01702 460631 and ask for Julie of Essex Greyhound Rescue or email me

A Gentle, Loving and Easy Going Hound Needs a Home

Click here for more information about ValdiHome Urgently Required for Valdi

"My name is Valdi I'm a small black greyhound and my foster Mum says I am a very nice dog who is friendly with everyone. I need to be in a home on my own without any other dogs as I really want all the love and and attention for myself and I do deserve that after spending all my life in kennels. This isn't me, but this is a photo of a greyhound who is similar to me.

Is there any one who could offer a foster home to me? No offers as of yet have come forward for me and if I was in a foster home for a little while it would make me very happy as I currently live in kennels and don;t see much of the outside world or comfy sofas. I'm not too keen on other dogs so it will have to be a home where there are no other animals

You can see many more dogs like me that need good homes, some are dogs who have never raced and some are dogs who are no longer interested in chasing. Many dogs get on with other dogs well as they are used to sharing kennels with a friend. Go here to see them or email Erssie for more information about dogs in the Essex area.

I rescued our two dogs from Julie and I can afford to have the dogs spayed and neutered, vaccinated and microchipped as sadly she does not have the funds to do this for all her dogs but doing this will be a condition of you being able to offer a home. These services are already carried out by the Retired Greyhound Trust as they are a registered nationwide charity with a lot of support and if you take a dog from their kennels, they will advise you what their minimum fixed donation is to go part way to covering that cost although you are welcome to donate more. Julie who runs Essex Greyhound Rescue runs a one woman service and alone has rescued somewhere in the region of 300 dogs over the past 5 years and she does not ask for a fixed fee, just a loving home for her hounds and a donation.

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